April 16, 2025 - 5:00 PM (EDT)
April 17, 2025 - 7:00 AM (AEST)
How to add a net margin to your projects rather than a gross margin.
How to calculate the true break-even point for every project before you quote a price.
The 2 figures inside your business plan that determine the break-even point for each individual project, and the price you need to charge in order to make a net profit.
How to make the amount of money you deserve to be earning given the amount of hours you work and the risks you take.
How to implement the Pricing 4 Profit model
Proof: why old school builders that claim you can’t add more than 20% to a project are wrong and how you can succeed where they failed.
Case study: how a custom home builder added 30% to a $1.64 million contract and still won the job!
And much more!